
自1957年买足彩app平台成立以来, 我们努力为有复杂学习挑战的学生打造独一无二的教育体验. 每年, 在学生发展的每一个领域:课堂, 课外, 以及居住生活,  河景 工作人员 are dedicated to individualized education, 和创新. 在我们进化的每一步, 买足彩app平台依靠扩展的河景家庭来支持学校的需求,并培养新思想和新方向, with philanthropic support in 3 key areas: 年度基金, 我们的春梦村晚会, 战略资本运动.

Each of these giving areas has a special purpose, 他们都在买足彩app平台成为全国公认的卓越中心的过程中发挥了重要作用, w在这里 generations of students can experience life-changing growth.


At 河景 it is our priority to provide programming and services to our students, 父母, 在鼓励和促进整个家庭成长的环境中培养兄弟姐妹和校友. 近年来, 我们利用年度基金在健康等领域创新和发展了许多新项目, 营养, 还有艺术. 我们最近的创新是一个全面的家庭教育和支持计划,重点是:



Last year, our efforts to expand participation in our 年度基金 increased exponentially. This increase is a direct result of the committed and passionate effort of our community. This year we want to keep the momentum going to reach our goal of 100%.

要在网上向河景镇年度基金捐款, 点击这里.

东三明治MA 02537



Nearly 400 people attended 河景’s 25th Annual 梦之村联欢晚会 on Friday, 6月16日, 2023, in support of expanding the school’s 艺术 programming. At 河景, we believe in exceptional programming for our exceptional students. 艺术为转化性表达提供了重要途径,并为真实的自我发现提供了许多机会, leading to multitudes of positive outcomes for our students.

The Gala and auction took place on the brand-new 格林菲尔德 under an open-air tent on a beautiful night on 河景’s East Sandwich campus. The event set a fundraising record for the school netting over $1,000,000 通过门票销售, 赞助, 一个强大的无声和现场拍卖, 以及鼓舞人心的“梦想基金”筹款活动.

大部分的表演和所有的娱乐活动都是由河景镇富有创造力和才华的学生们提供的. 河景视觉艺术老师, 凯茜桑普森, 在晚会开始之前,我教授了一门以晚会为中心的艺术课,这门课为舞台制作了一个令人惊叹的学生艺术画廊. 视觉 & 表演艺术协调员 格雷格•辛普森 和学生dj一起工作 繁荣的阵容 who provided music during cocktail hour and student band S.T.L (天空的极限) opened the night with a high energy show-stopping performance.

The event kicked off with a lively cocktail hour. 一场生动的掷酒活动使人群感到愉快, 回忆在照相亭被记录下来, 支持者们纷纷涌向抽奖桌,希望有机会赢得华丽的钻石耳环. Existing relationships were strengthened, and new friendships were formed.

The live and silent auctions incorporated items from categories including sports tickets, 美丽的高端珠宝, 美术, 令人兴奋的用餐机会, 独一无二的河景专属物品, and luxury trips to destinations from Tuscany to Anguilla.

The Gala was hosted for the second year in a row by 河景 parent, advocate, and actor 艾米 Brenneman. Honored that evening were long-time supporters of the school and, art enthusiasts 丽贝卡和马蒂·艾森伯格 获得造梦者奖, 颁发给那些对买足彩app平台社区产生了变革性影响的人.

尊敬的校长, 斯图尔特•米勒 视觉及表演艺术协调员, 格雷格•辛普森 spoke about the positive benefits of the arts on 河景 students and the community, which was then exemplified in a video of 河景 students, 工作人员, and 父母 speaking about their unique experiences and successes. Based on the strength of some amazing lead gifts to kick off the Fund-A-Dream paddle raise, an inspired 河景 community responded by raising over $500,000 来支持买足彩app平台的艺术. 观看我们的“梦想基金”视频 在这里!

这真的需要一个村庄, “春晚”的成功离不开以“春晚主席”为首的40多人的“春晚委员会”的奉献; 琳达·勒杜 和Gala联合主席; Barb高贵, the hard-working volunteers (many of whom are 河景 工作人员), 优秀的供应商和合作伙伴, and the immense generosity of 买足彩app平台’s devoted sponsors and donors.


河景的资本运动支持编程和最先进设施的增长. 我们最近的健康运动让我们建立了改变游戏规则的科恩健身和娱乐中心, that incorporates integrated wellness programming into the fabric of daily life, 包括教授健康饮食和健康习惯的项目,这些项目将在毕业后长期影响生活质量. 今年春天, we opened a state-of-the-art Nutrition Cooking Center which allows our students to cook, prep and learn in a for a truly hands on classroom setting. 2022年10月, 我们在健康运动的最后阶段正式破土动工,我们开始建造一个全新的室外草皮场地和橡胶跑道,以取代旧的戴维斯球场. Expected completion is scheduled for Spring 2023.

在健康, 我们的资本活动在很多方面提供了帮助,包括:在我们的詹姆斯中心优先考虑音乐和艺术节目, the growth and expansion of our postsecondary 成长 program, 以及其他许多对河景社区体验至关重要的东西.

资本活动的规模总是很大, but their impact on the 河景 culture as a whole is even bigger.



河景的年度基金为我们的学生和教师的项目和经验提供无限制的资金. 它允许我们的河景社区参与一个充满活力和丰富的课程,为我们的每一个学生.

通过年度基金筹集的资金也用于在任何特定时间资助最大的需要. 在很多方面, 年度基金通过学生在河景的各个方面的经历进行规划和充实.

Why, outside of tuition, is additional money needed?

和许多私立学校一样, tuition does not cover all of the annual operating expenses for the school. 河景在很大程度上依赖于弥合学费和我们的年度运营成本之间的差距. It helps to provide program enhancements and continued innovation.



Your participation is a vote of confidence in all that we do. 你的礼物有助于推进我们的使命,使我们的教师和学生建立通往成功的最强路径. 它使我们能够创新和利用新的策略,为每个学生提供个性化的课程.


河景年度基金的主要目标是弥补学费所带来的差距, and the cost it takes to execute a top notch 河景 Education. 更具体地说, 河景至少需要筹集650美元,000- $700,000 annually in order to support the budgetary needs of the school.


Individual gifts can range from anyw在这里 between $25-$50,000. 父母的平均礼物是2000美元. At 河景 we believe if everyone gives as generously as possible, 因为他们目前的财政状况, 然后我们可以共同实现我们的目标.


我们的年度基金从7月1日到6月30日, but our primary fundraising efforts for the annual fund typically runs September- December.


是的. 捐赠给河景的年度基金被视为慈善捐赠,可以在美国国税局的监管限制内全额扣除. Please note that event tickets and raffles are not tax-deductible.


是的! Many companies and employers offer charitable match donations for employees. 请与人力资源部联系,看看贵公司是否有配对礼品计划. You will receive donor credit for both the original gift and the amount of the match. 每一块钱都很重要!
